Raises funds for the benefit of the residents at the Masonic Residential Home to provide in-house activities and take residents on out door trips as well as provide other amenities not supplied by the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution
Contact information for The Association of Friends of Ecclesholme Benevolent Fund.
Friends of Ecclesholme News
Ecclesholme Annual Gala Diner
At ECCLESHOLME Annual Gala dinner for the Association of Friends of Ecclesholme Benevolent Fund, which this year was hosted by the Southern Area in East Lancashire Province. Sir David Trippier and his wife Lady Ruth were the principal guests. The evening was a...
Charity Variety Show Presentations
Mandy Stableford receiving a cheque from WBro Mike Stubbs, District Charity Steward and WBro Ian Johnson Assistant Charity Steward. Following the highly successful Charity Variety Show help at the Thwaites Empire Theatre in Blackburn on 1st April, two cheque...