Pomp and Ceremony
Wednesday 15th February 2017 saw the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Sir David Trippier, RD JP DL, visit Bury Lodge of Relief No 42 at the Bury Masonic Hall. The purpose of his visit was to thank WBro Dr Simon K Archer AGStdB, for his work as the Provincial Senior Grand Warden last year. It is tradition that the PGM visits the lodge of his Senior and Junior Wardens by way of thanks.
Sir David was accompanied by a provincial deputation including our APGM, WBro Norman Cope PSGD, our APGP WBro David Dunn PAGDC, the current Provincial Junior and Senior Wardens, WBro David Hudson, ProvSGW and WBro Terry Kakoullis, ProvJGW. Conducting the evening was the ProvGDC, WBro John Griffin PAGDC.
It should be noted that WBro Michael Sutton, ProvGStdB of the Earl of Lathom Lodge No 2560 was looking resplendent in his present acting role as one of the Provincial Standard Bearers.
If you have never witnessed the Provincial Grand Master parade into a lodge room accompanied by his sword bearer, standard bearers and a provincial deputation then I recommend you take the very next opportunity to do so. In my opinion it’s just fantastic. The pomp and ceremony is brilliant.
Also present were PAProvGM’s WBro’s Philip G Mountford PSGD and Mike D Gibbons PJGD.
I make no apology for naming some of the senior brethren who were present, it was that kind of evening. Also present in the lodge room was an entered apprentice, initiated only four weeks ago so we can safely say that all brethren were represented.
The Provincial Grand Master was treated to an explanation of the Master Mason’s Apron expertly delivered by the lodge Senior and Junior Wardens.
Once the business of the evening had been concluded the social board buzzed with conversation, humour and just really good company. The speeches were excellent.
I could write pages regarding this evening but I couldn’t do it justice.
It was obvious to all present that Bury Lodge of Relief had worked hard to make the visit the success that it was. Well done to all involved.
Also, well done indeed to WBro Archer who works tirelessly for all masonry. A deserved and worthy recipient of this great honour.

The Provincial Grand Master, Sir David Trippier, accompanied by WBro Norman Cope and
WBro John Griffin

Sir David with WBro Dr Simon Archer

WBro David Dunn and WBro Norman Cope

Past Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, WBro Mike Gibbons and WBro Phil Mountford

A good time was had by all!