On the 15th of November, at Hemsley house, Kinship Lodge celebrated with Ian Bronks on his 50 years in Freemasonry. They were joined by Robert Frankl APGM accompanied by a District Delegation.

Ian and the lodge were delighted to hear the minutes from the evening when Ian was initiated. The meeting consisted of a raising ceremony to start the evening, after which they called off for the social board. They called on again for the initiation ceremony, and after closing they went back down for speeches and toasts. The question on everyone’s mind was what time did they get home; well, not everyone. Robert Frankl recognised the date as decimal day, which needed to be explained to some of the brethren present.
David Conway gave a touching tribute to Ian, concluding that Ian is one of the stalwarts of Kinship Lodge. If a position needs filling or a piece of ritual needs to be worked in a ceremony, the DC can always count on Ian. The evening concluded with a fabulous social board enjoyed by all.