WBro James Whittaker, PProvAGDC, Worshipful Master

Over Fifty Brethren signed the Tylers attendance register on Monday the 21st March 2016 to see WBro James Whittaker, PProvAGDC installed into the chair of Three Chalices Lodge No. 8249.

The Worshipful Master, WBro Gerald Coyle, PProvGSwdB, opened the Lodge and welcomed WBro Kevin Horne PAGDC the official representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master for the Province of East Lancashire, Sir David Trippier. WBro Horne thanked the Worshipful Master  for his welcome saying that he was surprised but delighted to be the Representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master as he had only had only been informed that morning that he would be attending in that capacity.

Salutations were then given to WBro Kevin Horne, PAGDC, The Representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master and WBro Keith Beeston, PJGD; also to WBro Jeff Ward PProvSGW and other Provincial Grand Officers.

Following communications, the Worshipful Master announced that the next item of business was to Install WBro James Whittaker, PProvAGDC, Senior Warden, Master Elect.
The Lodge was opened in the Second Degree and the Director of Ceremonies, WBro Derek Booth, PProvDepGSwdBr, presented WBro Whittaker to the Worshipful Master.


From L to R WBro J Mellor (Acting SW) The WM and WBro Douglas Parker (JW)

Having reaffirmed his obligation WBro Whittaker was seated in the NE of the Lodge. The Lodge was opened in the Third Degree and at this point WBro Ian McDonald PProvDepGDC occupied that Masters Chair and acted as Installing Master. WBro McDonald opened a Board of Installed Masters and WBro Whittaker was installed into the Chair of King Solomon according to antient custom.

The Lodge was called from Labour to refreshment and the Brethren present retired for light refreshments.

After a short break, the Lodge was called from Refreshment to Labour with duties being resumed in the Third Degree and WBro Colin Barton, PProvGStB, assumed the role of Installing Master.
Master Masons were readmitted and after the customary perambulation, proclamation, and salutation, the Working Tools of a Master Mason were presented to the Worshipful Master by the Installing Master.

The Lodge was closed in the Third Degree with duties being resumed in the Second Degree. Fellowcraft Freemasons were readmitted and after the customary perambulation, proclamation, and salutation in the Second Degree, the Working Tools of a Fellowcraft Freemason were presented by the Installing Master.

The Lodge was closed in the Second Degree with duties being resumed in the First Degree. All Masons were readmitted and after the customary perambulation, proclamation, and salutation, the Working Tools of an Entered Apprentice Freemason were presented by WBro Dennis Higginson (the WM of Borough and Ashlar Lodge) a close friend of the WM.

The Installing Master  presented the Warrant of the Lodge, the book of Constitutions and the By-laws of Three Chalices Lodge to the Worshipful Master who then appointed and invested his officers. This pleasant duty completed the IPM, WBro Ged Coyle informed the Worshipful Master that the Lodge was now under his direction.

The Worshipful Master dealt with the remainder of the business in his own inimitable style.

WBro Keith Beeston responded at the first rising. WBro Kevin Horne responded at the second rising and WBro Les Latcham responded on behalf of all the visiting Brethren at the third rising.

The Lodge was closed in due form and the Brethren retired to the festive board having enjoyed seeing a well-respected Brother installed, once again, into the chair of King Solomon.


The newly Installed Master with the members of the Lodge

The Festival of St John was well attended, not surprising as the WM is noted for his regular visiting within the building and the District. A thoroughly enjoyable day at Nelson House where the food was excellent and the company even better.