On Friday the 29th of October, Keep Lodge No.6538 in Clitheroe, welcomed the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master and a Provincial Deputation, including the Deputy Provincial Grand Master VWBro John Farrington. The principal reason for Sir David’s visit was to thank WBro David Bristol for his support in his year as the Provincial Senior Grand Warden.
The main business of the evening was to Pass Bro Peter Hugill to the Second Degree. Peter answered his test questions in an excellent fashion, following which, the Worshipful Master Harry Heaton conducted the ceremony in admirable manner, supported by the Officers of his Lodge. This included a 2nd° Charge by the Junior Warden Wayne Edmondson and the 2nd° Tracing Board by Lodge Secretary Les Timmins, both delivered word perfectly.
Dinner was held over at the Swan and Royal, who looked after us as always in their usual high standard with great service and food. Responding at the Festive Board, the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master thanked the Lodge for their work and hospitality, before personally thanking David Bristol for his support, not only for his year as the ProvSGW, but also for his years as the ProvGDC, supporting Sir David as the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent in the Royal Arch.
Noting that Sir David’s tenure as leader of the Province will sadly come to its end at Provincial Grand Lodge on November 18th, David Bristol presented a gift on behalf of the East Ribble District, along with a boxed flower bouquet for Lady Ruth as a small token of the our appreciation of their support over the last ten years.

Article and Images: East Ribble District Team