On the morning of Friday 25th November, the members of Euclid Lodge of Installed Masters 9468, were looking forward to a well-prepared installation.
However, the best laid plans were thrown into turmoil, when Master Elect, WBro Jack Ball, fell ill and was unable to attend.
Several frantic phone calls between members ensued, to establish what course of action could be taken under these circumstances. The upshot of which was, current Master WBro Kirk Mulhearn, would remain in office for another year.
So, what was to be an installation, turned into a proclamation. Many officers who were to progress remained in the same office. The whole occasion conducted with great calm and efficiency, by Lodge DC, WBro John Hood.
The representative of the RW Provincial Grand Master, WBro Peter Faulkner, congratulated all involved in what had been a hastily reorganised ceremony. He also thanked the lodge for their generous donation of £200 to the ELMC, which for a lodge that only meets twice a year, was a tremendous sum.
Many present at the festive board, found themselves adapting toasts and responses. Some who started the day intending to propose a toast; actually responded and vice versa.
We are pleased to report WBro Jack Ball is on the mend and looking forward to be installed next year.