On Tuesday 25 July, WBro Gordon Desser the TLC Officer for Manchester Area, together with some other District officers made their annual visit to the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital.
Gordon and the other officers were met in the play area by Susan Fairclough who, along with her staff, is doing an amazing job in supporting sick and traumatized children.

The “team” were privileged to visit one of the wards and chat with some of the young patients and relatives and, of course, give out quite a number of teddies. It’s so lovely to see the pleasure that they give.
Indeed, on Facebook on 25 July, there was a picture of a little baby with a teddy. The baby’s mother had posted it because she was so pleased that we had visited and presented her child with a bear. This is the very baby in the push chair in the picture below. Here is tangible proof that what we do is appreciated.

Accompanying Gordon Desser were WBro Richard Bermitz Dep Chairman City Sykes, WBro Mel Rosenthal Secretary City Derby, WBro Steven Thompson Charity Steward City Sykes and WBro Roy Chapman Mentor City Sykes and his wife.