East Ribble District Meeting Lancashire Mind Presentation

East Ribble District Meeting Lancashire Mind Presentation

The latest District Meeting was held at Accrington Masonic Rooms on the 20th March. Before the business of the evening was conducted, the Brethren were given a very enlightening presentation by Paul Smalley from the volunteer organisation, Lancashire Mind. Paul talked...

WBro John Hemingway celebrates 50 years at home

WBro John Hemingway celebrates 50 years at home

WBro John Hemingway PProvGSuptWks celebrated his 50th Masonic Birthday at home in Clitheroe when the Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro John Farrington PSGD, the Worshipful Master of Harmony & Industry Lodge No.381 WBro Norman Jepson, accompanied by fellow...

East Lancs Masons Promoted at United Grand Lodge

East Lancs Masons Promoted at United Grand Lodge

A goodly number of East Lancashire Masons travelled to Grand Lodge, Queen Street London for the Quarterly Communication of United Grand Lodge held on 14 March to see WBro Chris Prax, WBro David Hudson invested as Grand Officers for the first time and WBro Henry...

Keeping it in the family

Keeping it in the family

When Bro John Paul Fleming was installed as Worshipful Master of the Lodge of Merit 934 at Bury Masonic Hall on Saturday March 10th it was somewhat of a family affair. In the presence of Western Area APGM, WBro John Griffin, Bro Fleming was installed into the Masters...

Continued District support for the Hospice Drinks Trolley

Continued District support for the Hospice Drinks Trolley

On Friday the 2nd of March, East Ribble District Charity Steward WBro Mike Stubbs along with the Assistant WBro David Gill received a very warm welcome from the East Lancs Hospice Team, when they went to present the annual cheque which funds the Hospice drinks...

The ELMC helps launch ELHT & Me Million Pound Appeal

The ELMC helps launch ELHT & Me Million Pound Appeal

An ELMC Grant of £4650 was the first donation in the East Lancashire Hospital Trusts Charity ELHT&Me Million Pound appeal, which was launched at a breakfast reception at the Fence Gate, Fence on Friday the 22nd of February. The ELHT & Me Million appeal will...

East Ribble Charity Stewards £700 donation to the ELMC

East Ribble Charity Stewards £700 donation to the ELMC

Mrs Karen Hall and the Provincial Charity Steward WBro Kirk Mulhearn, were pleased to receive a £700 donation on behalf of the ELMC, from the East Ribble Assistant District Charity Steward, WBro David Gill. This was following the Provincial Charity Stewards meeting at...

Manchester Freemasons Hall Official Reopening

Manchester Freemasons Hall Official Reopening

Manchester Freemasons Hall held its official open evening on Monday 15th January 2018 to celebrate the multi million-pound refurbishment by Vision Developments. The majority of the building now hosts spectacular weddings, events and business meetings. However, the...

East Ribble District support to help Rico get moving

East Ribble District support to help Rico get moving

Rico is a local three year old boy who has sadly been diagnosed with a form of Cerebral Palsy.  He has a condition affects his ability to walk, causing him to move with his feet and knees turned inwards and on his toes. It also affects his posture. Rico wears special...

Annual Dinner for Leaders of the Province

Annual Dinner for Leaders of the Province

The PGM/MEGSupt, Sir David Trippier, with Lady Ruth, hosted the Annual Dinner for the Leaders of the Province with their Wives and partners at Manchester Hall. This year the Royal Arch and Craft teams shared the evening together, demonstrating the strong link between...