A unique event in Bolton & Farnworth district and one well worth attending; Installation at Old Boltonians 5814. Rare given the location in the great hall at Bolton School, and also the fact it is held on a Saturday.
WBro W A Jay (Senior) was Installed by WBro W A Jay (Junior) in the lodge’s very unique style in front of over 90 members and visitors. Congratulations were given by the representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, WBro Davenport, and he especially noted that there were 3 active Wardens of their respective provinces present to see the ceremony. Rare indeed!
It was obvious to everyone present that a lot of work had gone into practising for this Installation, from the ceremony itself right down to the 1st Tools presented by the newest member of 5814.
The festive board at 5814 is a unique occasion. Please click for more images: https://www.facebook.com/boltondistrict/posts/1427436383933947