De Lacy Lodge – 4591
De Lacy Lodge – 4591 Who Are We? De Lacy Lodge No 4591 is within the Northern Area of the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England.Rishton Masonic Association was formed in the late 1910’s with a view...
Keep Lodge – 6538
Keep Lodge – 6538 Who Are We? We where consecrated in 1947 as the granddaughter of Limestone Rock Lodge. Wehave a wide range of members both in age and occupation from market traders tobarrister and self employed. We enjoy a high quality of work in our...
Hyndburn Lodge of Installed Masters – 8766
Hyndburn Lodge of Installed Masters – 8766 Who Are We? “Consecrated on the 6th of July 1977, and originally meeting at Adelaide Street,Accrington, the Lodge was formed as a Past Masters Lodge to give Past Masters of theold District an environment in which...