Royal Arch Freemasonry and Archway

Royal Arch Freemasonry and Archway

United Grand Lodge of England has been very clear that the three degrees of Craft Masonry represent the first three of four steps that allow a man to truly enter into an understanding of Antient Freemasonry. The fourth step is to enter (it is called being exalted...

60 years in the Craft – WBro Allen Clarke

60 years in the Craft – WBro Allen Clarke

WBro Allen Clarke PProvJGW celebrated 60 years membership of Naphtali Lodge No.266 on 2nd January 2024, at the age of 95 years and not having the desire to celebrate the occasion formerly at the Lodge due to his mobility, he enjoyed a home visit so ably conducted by...

Traditional History at Ben Brierley Lodge 3317

Traditional History at Ben Brierley Lodge 3317

Tonight at Ben Brierley Lodge 3317, WBro Graham Holmes presented a Traditional History Traditional History tonight for three recently raised Master Masons. Pictured here with WM WBro Carter and Eastern Area Chairman WBro Halford are Bro Reeves, Bro Powell and Bro...

Talking Heads Hosted by Felicity Lodge 4365

Talking Heads Hosted by Felicity Lodge 4365

On Thursday 22nd February 2024, Felicity Lodge 4365 hosted "Talking Heads" which was presented excitingly, educationally, and very enjoyably. The Royal Arch presentation team presented a play which describes the ceremony of exhalation, why the Royal Arch is important...