On Wednesday 20th March 2019 the minutes of the meeting held at Lodge of Relief No. 42 from 20th September 1888 were read out in open lodge. The minutes documented the most momentous occasion when His Royal Highness Bro. Prince Albert Victor of Wales, K.G.,P.S.G.W. of England visited Bury.
Several other Lodges from Bury were represented that day including,
The Lodge of Prince Edwin No.128
The Lodge of St John No.191
The Prince of Wales Lodge No.1012
And Egerton Lodge No.1392
This is believed to be the only Royal Masonic visit to Bury Lodges and the attached minutes make for very interesting reading.
Thank You To WBro Ray Sullivan who brought the minutes to light, and WBro Paul Mitchell who read them out in open Lodge at Bury Lodge of Relief No 42.

Report by Craig Hindle