The Annual Salford Masonic Fellowship New ‘Year Lunch’ was graced by the presence of its Patrons, Malcolm and Norma Worsley, President, Assistant Provincial Grand Master, Chad Northcott (accompanied by one of his daughters, Jessica) and many long-term members and attendees. The Fellowship meets sometimes monthly, sometimes fortnightly, throughout the year providing a fabulous venue for friends to meet regularly, and for newcomers to make new acquaintances. Events include speaker days, outings, general get-togethers and lunches.

Malcolm and Norma Worsley

APGM, Chad Northcott and daughter, Jessica
All are welcome to attend, anyone, of any age group, who is free on the meeting days can come and enjoy the fun and fellowship. Yes, we have a number of retired members, spinsters and widows, but we also have a growing number of guests who come to enjoy the afternoon.
We enjoyed a fabulous, ‘family-like’ lunch today, after which Chad Northcott gave a short speech praising the Salford Fellowship for its work and dedication, before proposing a toast to the Fellowship and its hard working committee – chaired by Hilda Ince, with Brian Robinson as her Deputy, Jean Forrester as the Secretary and Muriel Ward as the Treasurer.

Brian and Hilda Ince (Chairman)

Jean Forester (Secretary) with Norma Clubbe

Muriel Ward (Treasurer)
The Association of Masonic Fellowships started in Farnworth many moons ago. There are approximately 30 Masonic Fellowships today, predominantly in East and West Lancashire, but some as far afield as Shropshire and Kent.
The Salford District Masonic Fellowship has been active for decades. Initially a regular meeting for retired Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons etc., it is now working on rejuvenation and re-invention. We are hoping to see many more new faces through the year and hopefully an excellent attendance on the 4th April 2017 – when Salford will be hosting the Annual Fellowship Conference.

Dennis Roscoe, Past District Chairman, on the Organ

Coffee Accompaniments – I don’t mind if i do!