Bro Callam Mulhearn with WBro Kirk Mulhearn, Father and Son.
On Monday 24th October the Bolton & Farnworth District team were present at the Installation of Bro Callam Mulhearn by his father WBro Kirk Mulhearn at St Peter’s Deane 6521. A special moment for Worshipful Brother ‘Dad’ and son alike. With a strong family tradition in Freemasonry, Callam had previous worn the Master Mason apron of his Grandfather and this evening changed his apron to the Worshipful Master’s apron previously worn by his father Kirk.
The representitve of the RW Provincial Grand Master on this occasion was WBro Jeremy Aston whom, alongside his fellow Grand Lodge, and Provincial Officers, congratulated WBro Kirk Mulhearn on one of the finest Installation ceremonies he had seen in a long long time.
With 64 visitors from 30 different lodges spread over 6 provinces, including that of Callam’s mother Lodge, Arthur John Brogden 1715 in West Lancashire, the meeting itself had a vibrancy not often seen these days. It certainly lifted the spirits at the Lodge meeting itself and also at the festive board, amplified by the florid tones from guest organist WBro Bernard Clough (If you’ve heard him play, you’ll know what we mean!).
All toasts given to the new Worshipful Master wishing him a healthy and prosperous year in the chair were extremely heartfelt and well received by all the Brethren present.
WBro Jeremy Aston, Bro Callam Mulhearn and WBro Kirk Mulhearn
Informal toast to the Worshipful Master
New Worshipful Master Bro Callam Mulhearn toasted by Grand Lodge Officers