Freemasons from Rochdale and Bacub got their hands very dirty on Monday 8th May at Stubbylee Community Greenhouses, taking part in the national day of volunteering to mark the coronation of King Charles III.

15 Freemasons and family members spent the day working with the fantastic team of volunteers at Stubbylee, clearing, cleaning, cooking and generally getting stuck in to support the amazing community work where they create a space where everyone has the opportunity to engage with the environment, learn new skills and improve physical or mental health.

Doug Smith, Rochdale Freemasons District Chair said “We have been keen to work with Stubbylee for some time after their fantastic work came to our attention. Being able to spend the day with the team in this wonderful environment, learning more about the support they give to local people has been inspiring. I hope this is the start of a long-term relationship with this amazing community group.”

Peter Rhodes, APGM wasn’t shy in getting stuck in and all the volunteers were pleased to have DepPGM VWBro John Richard Farrington drop by to show his support.