Molly Howarth was revising for her GSCE’s during May 2016 when she began to feel unwell suffering from headaches, dizziness and nausea. While she was sitting her exams, her health failed to improve and her parents Richard and Jane arranged a doctor’s appointment where she was originally diagnosed with an inner ear infection. Against a backdrop of sitting her exams her symptoms worsened, sometimes hardly able to walk around and during an English exam when feeling unwell, Molly was taken to Rochdale’s Urgent Care Unit. An MRI scan was quickly arranged after which she was diagnosed with an ependymoma, a type of cancerous brain tumour.
Within three days of the being told this dreadful news, Molly had an operation to remove the tumour. Molly’s parents Richard & Jane along with her sister Alice, were then informed that she would have to travel to Florida to undergo proton beam therapy, which is a type of radiotherapy used to destroy cancerous cells in a specific area.
So on the 25th July 2016, the whole family departed to Florida for the 30 sessions of the proton beam treatment. NHS funds only allowed for one of Molly’s parents to accompany her, so the family had to pay for the rest of the travel and living accommodation costs themselves. Family and friends held fundraising events to help raise money towards the costs. The Rochdale Masonic Social Committee presented a cheque to the Howarth family for £500.00 as a contribution to their living costs while in America.
Molly returned to the UK on the 23rd September having successfully completed the required sessions. A couple of weeks ago WBro Kenny Greer, the Rochdale District Charity Steward, visited Molly and her family at her house in Rochdale. Molly explained that she had been suffering with nausea which had affected her as her immune system is low. She had lost weight but was back on anti-sickness pills and had recently started to feel better. Molly thanked WBro Greer for the contribution of the RMSC and said it had meant a lot to her family and her.
What is particularly impressive is that Molly achieved 7 A* grades and 4 A grades at GCSE and has started her A level studies. An amazing feat for this amazing young lady I’m sure you will agree.
Molly has now received the fantastic news that she is now cancer free. WBro Greer has contacted her and her family offering congratulations on behalf of himself and the Rochdale Masonic Social Committee and wishing her well for what he is sure will be a very bright future.
You can still follow Molly for updates on Facebook by searching ‘Molly’s Marvelous Medicine’.