WBro Hewitt and WBro Bullen together with members of the Lodge.

WBro Stephen J Bullen PProSGD, Worshipful Master
On Tuesday 25th February, Charity Lodge No.3342 was pleased to receive WBro Peter G Hewitt, PSGD, Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the Province of East Lancashire, accompanied by a Deputation of Rochdale District Officers, together with severall Provincial Officers with acting rank.
This meeting was the final meeting of Charity Lodge and at the conclusion of business WBro Hewitt was to receive the Warrant of the Lodge from the Worshipful Master, WBro Bullen.
After the usual opening of the Lodge, the Worshipfull Master of the Lodge, WBro Stephen J Bullen PProSGD, delivered a brief history of Charity Lodge. WBro Bullen started by explaining that the Lodge was warranted on 30th January 1907 in Rochdale as the Daughter lodge of The Lodge of Probity and Freedom No.367.  The original membership comprised of 17 members, 12 of whom where joining members from Probity and Freedom Lodge and the original annual membership fee was seven guineas. After their initial meetings held at an establishment on Yorkshire Street, the Lodge moved to its current home at the Masonic Hall Richard Street in 1927.  During the year 1918 the Lodge met 18 times when it was common to have in excess of 70 members in attendance. By the 1950’s, meetings had reduced to 9 a year, however membership remained high.

WBro Hewitt then addressed those present. He stated that although many Brethren would quite rightly feel that the evenings proceedings were a very sad occasion in the history of the Lodge, they should not forget that this final meeting should be seen as an opportunity for Brethren to celebrate the outstanding work the Lodge and it’s members had achieved over the last 109 years.

The Worshipful Master and his Wardens then closed the Lodge for the final time after which the  Warrant of the Lodge was received by WBro Hewitt and the Brethren, in conclusion, sang 3 verses of Join us in Harmony.


The evening was concluded at the social board where all present enjoyed a very relaxed and pleasant evening of fellowship.