The Hosted Meeting held at the Lodge of Unity and Friendship No. 8178 at Richmond Terrace Blackburn was a very colourful and informative event. The aim of the evening was for the Brethren to be treated to a number of short talks on a wide range of side degrees and other aspects of Freemasonry that can be explored after the Raising of a Master Mason. Each talk was prepared by the presenters and was delivered in the full regalia of the various Orders. It was great to see so many new Brethren to Freemasonry who turned out in numbers to support the event.

Once the business of the meeting had been concluded,  WBro Andrew Taylor as the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies directed a Provincial Deputation, headed by The Deputy Provincial Grand Master VWBro Derek Nelson Thornhill into the Lodge. VWBro Thornhill was offered the gavel and on this occasion was happy to receive it. The Lodge was called off and the presenters retired to prepare themselves. The compere for the event was WBro Steve Crowther who introduced the proceedings and explained the aims of the evening. The first presenter was then admitted which began a wonderful series of short illuminated talks, the full list of speakers being shown below.

Following the ‘Colours of Freemasonry’ the presenters departed the Lodge and the final business was concluded.

The festive board was a great occasion with nearly 80 Brethren in attendance. In his response VWBro Thornhill expressed his delight at the increase in recruitment across the District and he stressed the importance of the future of the Order being in the hands of the newer Brethren, he thanked them warmly for their involvement in the evening. The Worshipful Master of the Lodge of Unity and Friendship presented a second cheque from the raffle proceeds to VWBro Thornhill to be donated to the ELMC. A very colourful and illuminating evening with lots of discussion on the options available to all Freemasons.


The full list of presenters and their respective Orders

  • Royal Arch – EComp Brian Carter PGStB APGP accompanied by EComp’s Alun Davies PProvDepGDC, Nick Bellas ProvGStwd, Greame Wilkinson PProvGSwdB, all Norther Area Royal Arch District Officers

  • Mark – WBro Peter Hughes PProvJGO accompanied by WBro Antony Hindle

  • Royal Ark Mariner – WBro Ken Wright ProvRAMGR

  • Knights Templar – E.Kt. John Duckworth PProvHerald

  • Rose Croix – V Ill Bro David Biggs 33° – Inspector General North East Lancashire

  • Red Cross of Constantine – Rt Ill Kt. Stephen Bolton – Intendant General, Division of North and East Lancashire

  • Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA) – RW Fra. Stephen White

  • Order of the Secret Monitor – WyBro Stephen Crowther PProvGReg

VWBro Thornhill with the New Brethren from across the District