Over 40 Brethren, including The Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the Northern area of the Province of East Lancashire, WBro John R Farrington, PSGD, and many visitors, including several members of Brun Lodge No 5188 signed the Tyler’s attendance register on Wednesday the 21stMarch 2018, for the Installation and final meeting of Hurstwood Lodge No 6768.
The Lodge was opened by the Worshipful Master, Bro Terry Bowdell.
WBro John R Farrington was then saluted in due form. WBro Farrington responded by thanking the Brethren for their kind, fraternal salutations on behalf of himself, WBro Jim Sutcliffe and WBro Norman Cope, both of whom are PSGD and PAPGM’s. The Worshipful Master offered the Gavel to WBro Farrington. This was returned to enable the Worshipful Master to maintain his rightful place in the Lodge and install his successor.
WBro Brian Horne, JP,PAGDC and other Officers of United Grand Lodge and WBro John W Hudson, PProvJGW and other Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge were then saluted and they responded appropriately.
The Worshipful Master promptly conducted the regular business of the Lodge and then announced the next item was to install WBro Ian J Bell, PProvGSuptWks as Worshipful Master.
WBro Bell was presented to the Worshipful Master and installed into the Chair of King Solomon according to antient custom. The Worshipful Master then presented the Immediate Past Master with his collar with an inscribed Past Masters jewel. This was a very poignant moment as the collar was inscribed with the name of WBro Bell’s father, Richard. WBro Bowdell said that whilst he would not have the honour of wearing it following this meeting he would carry the collar with him throughout his Masonic journey.
The Worshipful Master appointed his Officers and thanked WBro Jeffery Brindle, PProvSGD, the Honorary Organist, for his years of harmony in the Lodge and WBro Derek R Booth for his years of service as Tyler
WBro Brian Horne was asked to give a brief comment on the history of Hurstwood Lodge. He responded as follows:
“Twenty-Six Members of Ashlar Lodge No 4858 were present at Nelson House on Wednesday,
the 15thMarch 1948, when WBro. Albert Bullock proposed and WBro. Joseph Patrick Butterworth
seconded that steps be taken to form a new Lodge in connection with Ashlar Lodge No 4858.
This was carried unanimously.
The notice of Resolution to form a New Lodge was included in the April Meeting Summons.
Two names were submitted as being suitable for the name of a New Lodge, “Ashborn” and “Hurstwood”. Subject to approval by Grand Lodge it was resolved that “Hurstwood” should be
the name of the new Lodge.
It has been said that history is the story of the dead, it is NOT!!
History is of value only if it is ALIVE. History is OUR story; the facts and figures are only the dry bones. We are the makers, and it is our responsibility to ensure that it will continue long into the future alongside the happy union we have already had from Brun Lodge.
The Assistant Provincial Grand Master was then invited to address the Brethren.
During his address WBro Farrington thanked the Brethren of Hurstwood Lodge for the good work that had been done in the Lodges 69 year existence, it having been consecrated on 16 March 1949.
He commented that whilst the closing of a Lodge is sad because of the circumstances and the very positive feeling that presently exists it was less so than usual on this occasion. Nevertheless he congratulated the Lodge members and especially the senior members for having the strength to reach what must have been a difficult decision.
WBro Farrington thankedWBro Brian Hornefor his contribution regarding the Lodge history. He went on to say that a firm foundation for a successful partnership had been laid with Brun Lodge No 5118 and that Brun would be decidedly stronger as a result; twelve of the thirteen Brethren of Hurstwood having already joined Brun and the remaining member having recently been successfully balloted for. Indeed, a number of Hurstwood Brethren had already taken office and were now progressing in their new Lodge; a brilliant start to a new Chapter!
WBro Farrington wished all the Brethren well for a happy and successful future.
In conclusion he thanked the Worshipful Master for the opportunity of speaking with the Brethren.
The remaining business of the Lodge was completed and following the risings WBro Norman Cope, the Worshipful Master of Brun Lodge spoke warmly of the new era and the integration of all the Brethren.
The Lodge was closed for the final time.
The Brethren of Hurstwood Lodge formed a circle on the floor of the Lodge and in what was an emotional moment for many, the Warrant of the Lodge was passed from Brother to Brother until it came into the hands of the Worshipful Master who handed it to WBro Farrington who received it on behalf of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master for transportation to the Most Worshipful the Grand Master at the United Grand Lodge of England. He thanked the Worshipful Master and they retired, followed by all the Brethren.
The Social Board was happy and convivial, all the Brethren enjoying each other’s company and looking to the future with a determination to succeed and to enjoy their Freemasonry.
Report from John Wilkinson