Brothers: Ayodeji Babalola Osiyemi, Ferdinand Juatco, Domingos Filipe Borges Mamede and Kevin Inwood
The RW Provincial Grand Master, WBro C Welton, WBro D Basger, WBro W Davenport with the four recipients who received their Grand Lodge Certificates
Worshipful Master, WBro Iain Wilson, and members of The Lodge of Virtue No. 152 welcomed the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Sir David Trippier, who was accompanied by the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro Christopher Welton; WBro David Basger, Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals; WBro Chris Prax, District Chairman for City Sykes, along with a Provincial Delegation.
The visit by Sir David was in recognition of Lodge member, WBro John Porter PProvSGW, who was appointed the Provincial Senior Grand Warden on 21st November 2013. It is a tradition in the Province that the Provincial Grand Master visits his Warden’s Lodge after they have completed their year in Office.
After accepting the gavel from WBro Iain Wilson, the Provincial Grand Master presided over the presentation of Grand Lodge Certificates to four members of the Lodge, after an exceptional explanation of the Certificate by the Lodge Honorary member, WBro Warwick Davenport, PSGD, PAPGM. This was followed by a further explanation of the Royal Arch by the Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals for Manchester, WBro David Basger PAGDC.
In addressing the Lodge members and many visitors, the Provincial Grand Master thanked WBro Porter for carrying out his role as Senior Warden with distinction and great commitment and congratulated the following members of the Lodge on receiving their Grand Lodge Certificates.
Left to right, WBro Iain Wilson (WM), WBro John Porter, Sir David Trippier and WBro Chris Welton