“Some of the Brethren who staffed the Provincial Trailer during the day, from l to r Bruce Robbins, Stuart Tennant, Steve Boyle (Deputy District Chairman), Chris Stafford and Peter Douthwaite (District Chairman)”

The Provincial Trailer had its first outing in the Ashton & Mossley District on Saturday 13th May, 2017. The event was the Hurst Fest, at Ashton Football Ground, Hurst Cross.
It was the first time the football ground had arranged this fun day, with events such as a local School Choir and the “Children’s Plastic Band” performing, local Churches had stalls offering crafts for sale, the Scouts, the local Rotary Club, and, of course, our Provincial Masonic Trailer supporting Freemasonry in the community.
It certainly attracted attention, a two-ton trailer is not so easy to manoeuvre, particularly with only inches to spare to get it through the gates. However, never fear, for we had Stuart Tennant and Chris Stafford, whose expertise was amazing. The only mild groan and murmur of complaint came from Steve Stanley calling, “Mind my van!”
The trailer was staffed during the day by the members of the Ashlar Club supported by our District Chairman and his Deputy, Peter Douthwaite and Stephen Boyle, and a welcome visit from the Audenshaw District Chairman Gerry Hodson.  Our presence was certainly noticed and appreciated by the organisers.  Some of the groups present were also beneficiaries from our Charity Giving Night, and have pledged their support at our forthcoming Fun Day. Whilst we may have gained three potential candidates, there was also positive interest shown by a number of other men.
Our District Chairman would like to thank those Brethren who took the time out of their weekend to help, and particularly the loan of the vehicle which towed it to and from the venue. The trailer will be in use at Audenshaw Masonic Hall on Friday 19th May and will return on 16th July for our Community Fun Day and Open Day at Albert House, Ashton-under-Lyne.
If anyone can offer their help either with staffing or transporting the trailer please contact  any of the Ashton & Mossley District Team.

For more photographs of the event please visit HurstFest Photo Album

Text copyright Peter Douthwaite, Photographs copyright Steve Boyle and Stuart Tennant