Fifteen teams of Rochdale Masons and their friends enjoyed what has now become the annual ‘Fun Quiz Evening’ at Richard Street on Friday 11th March 2016. The Rochdale Masonic Social Committee would like to thank all those who came along and made it such an enjoyable evening.
WBro Kenny Greer welcomed all competitors to Richard Street and wished them all luck before introducing the ‘Quiz Master’ for the evening, WBro Chris Henthorn. His presentation and delivery kept all participants laughing and attentive during the whole evening’s proceedings. The music quiz was particularly enjoyable taken from the theme tunes of comedies from the 1960’s through to the present day.
During the interval, Martin’s staff served up a delicious supper of Meat & Potato Pie and either Chicken or Vegetable Curry with rice, all served with a huge mound of chips to keep the participant’s brains working at their maximum.

Part two of the quiz then commenced which ended with the overall winners of the Silver Trophy being declared as ‘Ian’s Ringers’ who won it for the second year in succession.
The winners of the prestigious ‘Wooden Spoons’ would have liked to remain anonymous, but seeing that the ‘Roch Valley 2’ team members included our very own Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro Peter Hewitt and the Provincial Grand Charity Steward, WBro Ken Davies, there was never a chance of their wish coming true!!
A raffle was held for the prizes donated by the Brethren.
In presenting the Rochdale District Committee trophy to the winners, in addition to a case of wine, WBro Peter Rhodes the Rochdale District Chairman commented on what a successful and enjoyable evening it had been and hoped to see all present come back next year to compete for the trophy once again, with special thanks given to WBro Chris Henthorn for the excellent manner in which he had conducted the evening.
The evening raised £535.00 which will be donated to the Rochdale Building Committee.