On Sunday 3rd December the Freemasons of East Lancashire’s Southern Area again enjoyed the privilege of holding our Annual Carol Service at St. Peter’s Church in Ashton-under-Lyne. As ever the service began with the banners of ten Lodges, both extinct and those still active, being paraded through the Church to the Communion table. What followed was a wonderful Service, conducted by Reverend Roger Farnworth, during which we and our families sang our favourite Carols and heard Lessons read by Brethren from Audenshaw, Ashton and Mossley. We were also treated to two Carols, “O Little Town of Bethlehem” and “For Mary Mother of our Lord” beautifully sung by Soloist Mr Peter Lee.

Mr Peter Lee who sang two Carols for us
Every year we all look forward to this Service heralding Advent, being thankful for all the good things we are able to enjoy but whilst always remembering those who are much less fortunate than ourselves. A very moving Sermon was delivered by Reverend Farnworth. He introduced us to his most able Deacon Ben, who was only one year old when the Berlin Wall fell in November 1989 and people across the East of our continent were freed from oppression. Was it really so long ago? He likened this unexpected event to the birth of our Saviour, which took the early Christians by surprise having waited so long for the fulfilment of the promise.

Rev’d Farnworth and Ben can be seen on the right.
The text of this article is written by and copyright to ©WBro John Pearson and all photographs are originated by and copyright to
©Kevin Hall. District Communications Officer for Ashton & Mossley District.