The East Ribble District Travelling Gavel ended its residency at Rhyddings Lodge No.5205, when the WM of Bank Terrace with King Oswald Lodge No.462 Bro Gordon Marchant came to claim it.
He was accompanied by his Wardens and ten further Lodge Brethren, who were part of the 30 visitors in attendance at Accrington Masonic Hall.
The WM of Rhyddings Lodge WBro John Audain, gladly passed the Gavel on to Bro Marchant for the next step in its journey around the District, encouraging visiting along its way.
All enjoyed a very happy and successful Lodge meeting and evening, where Bro Martin Padden was also initiated and welcomed into Freemasonry.

Photo tag: L to R WBro Audain (WM 5205) passes the Travelling Gavel on to Bro Marchant (WM 462)
Image and Article: East Ribble District Team