The Worshipful Master of Waverley Lodge – WBro Les Kay, welcoming
Bro Ben Higginson into Waverley Lodge following the ceremony.
One of the difficulties about reporting on Masonic events around a District, in the 21st Century, is that we seem to spend a lot of time bemoaning the apparent fate of some very worthy, long standing, but troubled Lodges. One of our Lodges will soon celebrate their 225th Anniversary, at least in part because they fear that they may not reach their 250th. So it is very satisfying to be able to report on one of the Lodges that appears to be bucking that particular trend.
A couple of weeks ago now, sorry that this report is coming late, I had the pleasure of attending the Initiation of Ben Higginson. This young man joined Waverley Lodge No 1322 at a ceremony on November 29th. Ben has a lot in common with an increasing group of young men who are finding out about the merits of Freemasonry in the years following our Tercentenary.

Worshipful Master Les Kay with the three newest members of his Lodge. (l to r) Ben Higginson,
Les Kay, Daniel Edwards-Jones and Rory Collins
Besides the 28 year old Ben, I also had the pleasure of meeting Daniel Edwards-Jones who joined Waverley about a year ago, and Rory Collins who joined the Lodge last May. If this is the start of a trend whereby younger men are joining our fraternity, then it is a very good sign indeed. Certainly, I know of another Ashton Lodge which has also seen three similarly younger men joining its ranks this year, something that seems to give credence to the idea that a trend might just be developing.
The ceremony itself was excellent. The current Worshipful Master of Waverley, Les Kay, is well known in the Southern Area, serving as one of the RADOs attached to Audenshaw District. Les is a safe pair of hands when it comes to conducting a ceremony, and with the assistance of some of his Lodge Brethren he was able to conduct a ceremony which will, I have no doubt, be long remembered by this newest member of our fraternity.
I am sure that we will all join together to wish Ben Higginson a very long, very enjoyable and very satisfying association with Freemasonry.

The members of Waverley Lodge 1322 after the meeting
Text and Images are ©Kevin Hall, District Communications Officer for Ashton & Mossley District.
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Further photographs taken at this meeting are available for viewing or download from the Provincial Photo Gallery at