On Monday 25th April 2022 Cromwell with Papyrean Lodge No 5771 celebrated 50 Years in Freemasonry for a very special member of the lodge.

WBro John Moore is a long-standing member of Cromwell and Papyrean Lodge and Monday evening was certainly a night to remember.
The Lodge tyled at 6.30 pm
WBro Clifford Parker, the current Worshipful Master, opened the Lodge after which the Provincial Deputation entered the Lodge.
The Worshipful Master offered the gavel to the APGM WBro John A Griffin PSGD, which he graciously accepted before occupying the chair to conduct this special Golden Jubilee celebration.
The Lodge room was full, with members from many other Lodges in attendance, a real mark of the man of the moment.


WBro Griffin delivered a fitting tribute to WBro Moore for his many years of service to Freemasonry and his outstanding achievements.
The WM Clifford Parker then delivered a very personal, in depth, tribute to John. It was clear to see that they had both known each other outside of Freemasonry, as well as in it, and that they had formed a real bond of friendship together over many years.
The 50th Golden Jubilee Illuminated Certificate and letter from the PGM was then read out by WBro Griffin before being presented to WBro Moore.

WBro Moore was then escorted around the lodge room by the Deputy Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, WBro Phil Collier, to the acclamation of all the brethren.
The Worshipful Master then presented the APGM with a cheque, on behalf of the members of the lodge, to the Festival to mark the occasion.
The deputation retired and the Worshipful Master concluded the lodge business.
The social board was a very happy and joyous occasion the dining room was full with a most fabulous atmosphere, everyone present was treated to a fabulous five-course meal.

WBro Steve Holland, the Bury District Chairman, responded to the toasts on behalf of the District.
The formal toast to Derek’s health was proposed in a very personal manner and was received with warmth.
WBro Moore responded in a most suitable manner, at the conclusion of his response received a standing ovation by all present.
WBro Rob Ashton presented WBro Moore with a most fabulous cake which his mum had made to mark the special occasion, along with a personalised decanter.
A fantastic evening was had by all, It was certainly one which the lodge can be justly proud of for many years to come.


Report and Pictures by Craig Hindle

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