On Valentine’s Day, New Trinity Lodge 4595 gathered together with partners and guest to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Rob Unsworth.

APGM John Griffin reads the personal letter from the Provincial Grand Master

In a relatively new welcome addition to 50th celebrations, after calling the lodge off, Rob’s family and guests were invited to join us in the lodge room.

To devote oneself to any organisation for 50 years is a huge achievement in itself and the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, John Griffin, accompanied by a district delegation listened keenly to a personal tribute by the Lodge and District Secretary Martin Horan. The APGM then followed up with Rob’s masonic career history outlining the outstanding work he has put into Freemasonry since his initiation in 1969.

Rob was clearly moved by the event and I think this is the best Valentine’s Day present either he or his wife Val could have hoped for!

Rob with his family
APGM with Lodge members

At the festive board everyone enjoyed a great meal in great company. Tributes were made to Rob and we all enjoyed celebrating this special event with him.

Rob replies to a toast at the festive board

Author and images: Alan Ogden