WBro Brian Wilson is the Prov Grand Organist, and he also plays the organ for a number of lodges throughout the Area.

As with everyone else, Brian has a story and through this interview we tried to unveil the man behind the apron.

When asked why he joined Freemasonry, he said: “I was initiated into the Lodge of Virtue 152 on 15 October 1999, (25 years in October), after having a conversation with a lifelong friend and professional colleague, Brian Durkin – a Grand Lodge Officer. Before the conversation, Brian knew very little about Freemasonry but, the guiding principles of Integrity, respect, friendship and service and the secular nature of the organisation appealed to him and spurred him on to join the Fraternity”.

When Brian wants to take a break from Freemasonry, he joins W Bro Pete Richardson (Guitarist), with whom he formed a band called Wavy Gravy.

“As the band’s music started to take shape, it occurred to him that we could share the music and raise funds for worthy causes. Also, this was a way to keep the grey matter working!

Playing sophisticated pop music, they achieved quite a bit of fame performing a couple of gigs for the East Lancashire 2026 Festival. The next Festival event takes place at Ashton Masonic Hall on Saturday 22 June 2024”.

When the Masonic season is over, Brian and his partner Bet, move from Warrington to the Mediterranean. He then enjoys sailing, sometimes with his two adopted daughters, Cheryl 34 and Bethany 26, And his four adorable grandsons.

Story by Bro Francesco Toto