On Wednesday the 13th of November, WBro Frank Gouldsbrough celebrated 50 years in Bank Terrace with King Oswald Lodge No.462 and Freemasonry. The celebration was presided over by the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro Alan Kirwilliam, who introduced his supporting District delegation before inviting the Lodge Secretary WBro Brian Derbyshire to read the Minutes of WBro Gouldsbrough’s initiation.

Several interesting points from the minutes included donations from the Lodge of 50 guineas to the ELMBI, 50 guineas to the Girls Festival 1972, 15 guineas to the Masonic hospital and 2 guineas to the Hostel of God. Two Candidates were proposed for Membership of the Lodge and Notice of the next meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge was given, which would be held at the Elizabethan Ballroom, Belle Vue Gardens, Manchester on Wednesday the 26th day of November 1969 at 4 o’clock.

The most important part of the minutes however, was the initiation of a Mr Frank Gouldsbrough, which was conducted by WBro Bob Goldsborough the Candidates Father. Bob, who also passed and raised his son, was also the Director of Ceremonies when Frank was installed as Worshipful Master of the Lodge in 1984. More details of which can be found in the tribute HERE, delivered by WBro Dave McGurty, which clearly showed his commitment through his life not just to Freemasonry but to his community, Scouting and his family.

The Assistant Provincial Grand Master recounted events happening in the world from both 1969 and also 1929, the year our Celebrant was born and invited him to recount the memories from his initiation, where Frank still found the events both vivid and special, recalling to all present just how his Father had asked him to become a Mason.

WBro Kirwilliam presented our celebrant with a personal letter of congratulations from the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Sir David Trippier and an illuminated certificate marking this rare milestone. He then requested that the Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies, WBro Andrew Taylor, perambulate WBro Gouldsbrough around the Lodge, which was duly carried out to the standing acclaim of the Brethren. Expressing the thanks of the District, the Deputy Chairman WBro Russell Harwood, presented Frank with a 50 year Lapel pin which he hoped he would wear with pride.

At the Festive Board, a toast to WBro Gouldsbrough was given by WBro Keith Procter, who had shared 44 years in the Lodge with him, expressing the grateful thanks of the Brethren for his service to the Lodge, before presenting him with an inscribed Vase and a bouquet of flowers for Mrs Doreen Gouldsbrough on behalf of the Members. Frank, clearly moved, responded that he had never expected such a fuss to be made of him, sincerely thanking everyone who had made the night possible, stating he would never forget it.

Article and Images: East Ribble District Team