WBro Alan Kirwilliam with WBro Roy Hunter

WBro Alan Kirwilliam Presents WBro Hunter with his certificate

Almost 40 Brethren signed the Tylers attendance register of Borough and Ashlar Lodge, No. 4858, on Wednesday the 1st of March 2023, to celebrate the 50th anniversary in Freemasonry of WBro Roy Hunter, Past Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works

The Worshipful Master of Borough and Ashlar Lodge, Bro Daniel J Bradshaw, opened the Lodge and after concluding the preliminary business, received a report. The Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies, WBro John Lees, was admitted and announced that WBro Alan Kirwilliam, PSGD, a Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master of the Northern Area of the Province of East Lancashire, accompanied by a district Delegation was without.

The Worshipful Master then greeted WBro Kirwilliam and offered him the Gavel.  WBro Kirwilliam thanked the Worshipful Master and accepted the Gavel, saying that “I never thought he would be offered the Gavel anymore but as the current Assistant Provincial Grand Master was suffering from Covid, I am delighted to attend this special event and although this is St David’s day and the first day of Spring, today is all about celebrating the magnificent achievement of WBro Hunter of 50 year in Freemasonry”. WBro Kirwilliam was then saluted in due form. He introduced the Grand Officers in attendance, the District Chairman and the members of the District Delegation, He then instructed Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies, to place WBro Hunter in the centre of the Lodge.

The Lodge Secretary, WBro Jeff Bradshaw, PProvJGW, was then invited to read the minutes of the meeting at which WBro Hunter was initiated, which brought back many happy memories for WBro Hunter who recalled those present at his Initiation. WBro Keith Beeston, PJGD, was then invited to give a tribute to WBro Hunter outlining his career as an Electrical Engineer at Mullards Simonstone, a Scout Leader at 1st Padiham St Leonards Scout Group and a member of Round Table. He was Master of the Lodge in 1983 and later became Director of Ceremonies. He has celebrated both his Golden and Diamond wedding anniversaries. WBro Kirwilliam thanked WBro Beeston for this tribute, following which, WBro Kirwilliam referred to some of the significant events and other interesting facts relating to 1973, the year of WBro Hunter’s Initiation.

Edward Heath was the Prime Minister. The average workers wage was £1000 t0 £1500 per annum. We has the three-day week and power cuts. The troubles in Northern Ireland were ongoing, Petrol was the equivalent of 8 pence a litre, The average car was £1200 and beer was 18 pence a pint. New cinema releases were The Exorcist, The Poseidon Adventure and Serpico. We had Lava lamps and flared trousers. Ray Reardon was World Snooker Champion and Peter Revson, an American driver, won the British Grand Prix.

WBro Kirwilliam, with the celebrant’s permission, then read the illuminated certificate from the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master and presented that along with a personal letter from the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master to WBro Hunter, who was then presented to the Lodge by the Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies to the acclaim of the Brethren present. To conclude the formal proceedings a 50 years lapel badge, to be worn with pride, was presented by the District Chairman, WBro Robert Allan.

WBro Alan Kirwilliam, WBro Hunter and the WM of Borough and Ashlar Lodge. Bro Daniel J Bradshaw

Following the Alms collection, WBro Kirwilliam thanked all that had been involved in the evening’s celebration.

WBro Hunter with the members of Borough and Ashlar Lodge

The Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies then asked if WBro Kirwilliam wished to retire accompanied the District Delegation.  WBro Kirwilliam having given his assent, a retiral procession was formed and WBro Kirwilliam and the District Delegation retired to the acclaim of the Brethren present.

WBro Hunter with members of the Lodge and the Delegation

The remainder of the Lodge business being swiftly dispatched, the Lodge was closed and all retired to the festive board.

The Social Board was a happy and convivial occasion, enjoyed by all in attendance. Toasts were well received and appropriately acknowledged, particularly those to the Celebrant, WBro Roy Hunter. A most suitable celebration of a remarkable Freemason.

Article and Pictures :- John Wilkinson