A great time was had by all at this years Chadwick Weekend, where the Winter Draw took place on Saturday 20th January 2018 at the Chadwick Hotel in Lytham St Anne’s. Like previous years the food and entertainment at the hotel were both excellent. Once again, Doris and Joe Lamb did a superb job in organising the event.
Grateful thanks to all the Brethren who donated the many prizes and to everyone who sold and purchased tickets, this includes the Lodge of Unity and Friendship No. 8178 for their kind donation of a 4 litre bottle of Grants Whisky. The Whisky was raffled separately on the night of the draw and it was won by a very happy WBro Phil Beaumont and his wife Sue .
In total the draw made an impressive £1,555 for the ELMC and local good causes!
WBro Mick Duggan from Albert Edward Lodge 1519 was the lucky winner of the star prize, which was a 24 inch TV, a picture of our lucky winner to follow! The full list of winners can be seen by clicking the link. Winter Draw Results 2018

Article and images by the East Ribble District Team