Trinity Lodge No 5651 met on Wednesday 5th October 2022 at 11.00. After observing a silence in memoriam to Queen Elizabeth II and completing a number of items of Lodge business the Master of the Lodge, WBro Graham Stott, invited WBro Rodney Wild to take the chair for the express purpose of Raising Bro Rev David Roy Penny to a Master Mason. Rodney is a personal friend of Rev David as well as being a regular member of his congregation.
As was commented when Rev David was initiated on the 6th October 2022 this was an unusual occurrence for Trinity Lodge. Being a lunchtime Lodge it is more used to receiving joining members as opposed to bringing in new members, indeed a ballot for a new joining member was held just prior to the Ceremony of Raising taking place.
The fact that WBro Rodney Wild carried out the ceremony in such a fluid and excellent manner was a delight to all the officers who assisted him as well as to the other brethren assembled. The delight was no doubt shared by a distinguished guest and another personal friend of the initiate, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro The Reverend Canon Richard Whishaw Hawkins. It is no surprise that lunch at the ensuing Social Board was also a very enjoyable event with much sincerity and warmth shared among all those in attendance.
Report and Pictures from Bruce Robbins

© 2022, all text and images contained in this post are the property of the author and photographer respectively.