We are all familiar with the storey of Anne Frank, but how many of us have heard of the Anne Frank Trust UK and the fantastic work they do. The Anne Frank Trust UK is an education charity that empowers young people with the knowledge, skills and confidence to challenge all forms of prejudice and discrimination. Their education programmes use Anne Frank’s powerful life story and diary as their starting point.
Since its publication in 1947, millions of people have read Anne’s diary worldwide. By learning about her life and times, we can relate what happened then to what is happening now in our own lives and communities. Their work educates about the dangers caused by prejudice and hatred. Everyone has a part to play in taking a stand against it.
Anne Frank was one of 1.5 million Jewish children murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust. Sadly, from workplaces to school playgrounds, prejudice, discrimination, and racial hatred still exist.
The Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire has successfully secured a grant for the Anne Frank Trust UK through the Masonic Charitable Foundation for £67,680.00. This funding will enable the Trust to work with young people in Salford to deliver Their new education programme, My Story.
My Story, empowers young people to challenge prejudice by using their own personal experiences, inspired by the writing of Anne Frank. This programme includes interactive workshops, peer education and ambassador training using readings and video extracts from Anne Frank’s Diary. In drawing on Anne’s experiences, we are able to learn so much from her life to share with young people in Salford, some of whom may have faced their own experiences of prejudice and discrimination.

“On behalf of all of the young people whose communities will be safer and stronger because of you, thank you for standing with us. Your support is building a more inclusive community for everyone.” Amy Drake Grants Manager Anne Frank Trust UK
The Anne Frank Trust UK is starting to build relationships with schools in Salford and will begin delivering the programme in early 2022.
For more information, on the Anne Frank Trust UK and My Story, visit;