Monday 24th February 2020 saw Boltonian Lodge 3716 celebrate the personal 50th celebration of WBro Gordon Hartley. The lodge was delighted to receive the Western Area Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro John Griffin, accompanied by the District Chairman WBro Terry Kakoullis, Western Area Assistant to the Grand Principles EComp Kirk Mulharn, as well as Provincial and the Bolton and Farnworth

District officers. WBro Hartley was initiated into Earl of Raby Lodge 150 in the Province of Durham on 27th January 1970. The humorous tribute to WBro Hartley was delivered by WBro Harry Grundy, informing the officers of Gordon’s life outside of masonry. WBro Grundy informed those present that in the 50 years WBro Hartley has been a freemason he had only missed one regular meeting which was of no fault of his own, a truly remarkable feat. WBro Griffin informed the brethren of WBro Hartleys masonic career before presenting him with his illuminated certificate and letter from the Provincial Grand Master, Sir David Trippier. WBro Kakoullis, Bolton and Farnworth District Chairman then presented him with a ’50’ lapel pin on behalf of the district for his great dedication to the district and especially to Bolton Hall in his capacity of treasurer. At the festive board WBro Hartley thanked all those who had joined him to celebrate his golden jubilee and thanked some personally for guiding him during his time in masonry.

Photos and report by Lee Gridley