Bro Daniel Crowther followed his father, WBro John Crowther into Masonry and was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason at the April meeting of Royal Lancashire Lodge. Both Brethren live some considerable distance from their Lodge, despite which they are keen and regular attendees.

WBro Crowther has had an unusual Masonic career, being initiated into Quartas Lodge No. 4638 in Zimbabwe in 1986, taking the Chair in 1991 and receiving District honours in 1994. He joined St. George’s Lodge No. 7763, Malawi in 1994, before returning to the UK, joining Royal Lancashire Lodge in 1996. Returning to Malawi soon afterwards until 2018, WBro Crowther re-joined Royal Lancashire Lodge, where he remains an active and valued member.

Wherever his travels have taken him, he has shown his deep attachment to Masonry. Without doubt, Bro Daniel Crowther will live up to the fine example set by his father and he is already proving his attachment to Freemasonry by his dedication and commitment.

Article and Picture- Trevor Thomas

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