Friday 5th May 2017 saw the District Dinner and Annual General Meeting of the Bury District, the AGM. This meeting should be re-named the ARGD, the Annual Rite Good Do as it really was and always is a Rite Good Do.
A less formal sort of an evening without the need for black suits and white shirts. Tie of the evening went to Steve Flanagan, the Bury Association Chairman, some sort of cartoon adorned kipper style……..thing.
All of the 74 guests present were in good spirits and the atmosphere in the lounge was of fine quality. What is really nice about the Bury District ARGD is the representation from all three halls, Ashday Lea, Radcliffe and Bury. It always amazes me how easily Masons mingle together without the minor fact of geography interfering or impacting on the evening. That applies nationally too and was well proved on a local level at this gathering.
Fine Dine pushed the boat out and served, in my opinion, a cracking meal. Round tables filled the dining room with some tables taken by single lodges.
The festivities were DC’d by our very own Deputy District Chairman, Malcolm Ashton. Wine was taken by the District Chairman, and newly anointed Grand Officer, Steve Barton with our Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the Western Area, Norman Cope, and eventually every Gentleman and Brother in the hall. I say Gentleman as several non masons were in attendance and I do hope they found the evening to be enjoyable.
After the meal the guest speaker took to the stage. Mark Olly is a TV presenter and historian, he is also an archaeologist, author and an expert in symbology. This evenings presentation was all about symbols throughout history, touching on Celtic, Egyptian, Masonic and many other areas. I found the whole talk really entertaining and informative.
After Mark had spoken the District and Assistant Charity Stewards, Steve Holland and Steve Clark drew the District Charity Stewards Raffle. Prizes galore were dished out and the raffle raised over £1000 for the ELMC. I’ll pop the actual figure on Facebook once I have it.

Gerry Russell, The Bury District Secretary, then drew the annual 120 Club Draw. Now, just in case you are not aware and in the most basic of terms the 120 club is drawn every month and the prize, plain and simple is cash. The annual draw is the same really except the prize is a large portion of cash. Several prizes are given with the top prize being £500. Please contact Gerry Russell if you care to enter the 120 Club. The Annual subscription is a mere £20.

Steve Barton presented the Chairmen of the three masonic halls with a donation from the District toward the halls.
The Chairman and Assistant Provincial Grand Master gave a last few words and a full evening was concluded. I personally found the evening to be a splendid affair and can thoroughly recommend an attendance to next years ARGD.