Apr 30, 2018 | RA General, RA Northern
The Northern Area Royal Arch Dinner took place at Nelson House, Burnley, on 10thMarch, 2018. The hall was full, with long tables set out to provide Ladies, Gentlemen, Brethren and Companions with ample opportunity to socialise with friends in a formal, yet relaxed...
Mar 27, 2018 | RA Eastern, RA General
On Thursday 22nd March the Rochdale Chapter of First Principals No 9211 hosted a Royal Arch Workshop which was presented by EComp Peter Mason PGSwdB Dep GSupt of Cumberland and Westmorland. The members were delighted to be supported on the evening by a large...
Mar 24, 2018 | RA General, RA Western
On 14th March 2018, at Farnworth Masonic Hall, Darley Chapter No 6531 hosted EComp Deputy Grand Superintendent Paul Rose, who had hastily made his way up from Grand Lodge in London, to present and explain Grand Chapter Certificates to 5 newly exalted Royal Arch...
Jan 27, 2018 | RA General, RA Salford
Monday 22nd January saw Blair Chapter 815 host a Joint Convocation at Hemsley House, Salford with the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent Sir David Trippier, RD, JP, DL in attendance along with a Provincial Delegation. The Chapter opened promptly at 6pm with...
Dec 15, 2017 | RA General, RA Manchester
On Tuesday, 12th December 2017, 75 Companions met in the Goulburn Lodge room to witness the Exaltation ceremony of WBro Paul Basger. The guests included the ME Grand Superintendent, EComp Sir David Trippier, EComp Paul MA Rose, Deputy Grand Superintendent, EComp...
Dec 12, 2017 | RA General, RA Manchester
A very enjoyable Christmas Dinner was held at Manchester Hall, Bridge Street, Manchester on Saturday 9th December where the members of Good Companions of Commemoration Chapter hosted their ladies and guests. Ecomp Steve Taylor, First Principal, welcomed all present...