Nov 11, 2017 | RA General, RA Western
In view of the Tercentenary year, coupled with The Most Excellent 1st Grand Principal HRH the Duke of Kent celebrating 50 years as Head of Craft and Royal Arch Freemasonry, there were special additional honours awarded to each Province, as well as to Companions...
May 22, 2017 | RA General
The Annual Royal Arch Banquet was hosted at the Manchester Hall. The guests were greeted in the Museum reception room with Champagne and Canapés before entering the Goulburn Suite. The Royal Arch Banquet marked the opening of the recently refurbished 2nd...
May 16, 2017 | RA General, RA Manchester
Sir David Wooton with Sir David Trippier and the Oxfordshire and Cambridgeshire MEGS Two of our East Lancashire Lodges are members of the United Grand Lodge of England Universities Scheme, namely Old Mancunians with Mount Sinai and Golbourne Menturia. Also in the...
Mar 16, 2017 | RA General
Address of the ME Grand Superintendent At Provincial Grand Chapter At King George’s Hall, Blackburn 16th March 2017 Companions, my sincere thanks to you all for coming today. As always, I wish to express my sincere thanks to the Deputy Grand Superintendent, the Second...