Milton Lodge No 1144 Captures the Travelling Gavel

Milton Lodge No 1144 Captures the Travelling Gavel

Monday 21st November saw the Worshipful Master of Milton Lodge, WBro Leo Sterling, lead a group of Brethren, including Ian Walvin, Danny Langley, Dave Crawley, Roy Tindall and Pete Cole to Ardwick Lodge at Audenshaw Masonic Hall. There they were treated to an...
Lodge of Union No 268 Visit Provincial Grand Lodge

Lodge of Union No 268 Visit Provincial Grand Lodge

This year the Lodge of Union No 268 were particularly fortunate to see four of the Lodge brethren receive first appointments or promotions in the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire. Our ADC, who also happens to be District Chairman, WBro Peter Douthwaite, was...
Ashton & Mossley District AGM

Ashton & Mossley District AGM

The AGM of Ashton & Mossley District always takes place in the Autumn Term. (Do you notice, your DCO still thinks like a teacher even years after he stopped being one.) As you would expect, it is usually quite a staid and serious affair with all of the Area and...
50 Years’ Service for WBro. Rodney Wild.

50 Years’ Service for WBro. Rodney Wild.

The meeting was to celebrate the 50th Anniversary for Rodney Wild who is the current Worshipful Master of Trinity Lodge No 5651 Audenshaw’s Lunchtime Lodge. He was initiated at Oldham on the 12th July 1966. He has four sons all in the Craft and they are Dean, Glyn,...
Waverley Lodge No 1322 Installation Meeting

Waverley Lodge No 1322 Installation Meeting

Waverley Lodge No 1322 is now getting quite close to celebrating its 150th Anniversary, no mean feat in today’s changing world. On Thursday 27th October in 2016 they held their Installation Meeting at Ashton Masonic Hall in the presence of WBro John Pearson, the APGM...