Provincial Grand Lodge – Rochdale District Celebrations

Provincial Grand Lodge – Rochdale District Celebrations

Thursday 18th November 2021 saw Rochdale District Officers, Provincial Steward and District Secretary Andrij Korolczuk, attend the Annual Provincial Grand Lodge in Blackburn. It was a special night, marking the final Provincial Grand Lodge meeting for Provincial Grand...

Ian Bronks  50th Celebration

Ian Bronks 50th Celebration

On the 15th of November, at Hemsley house, Kinship Lodge celebrated with Ian Bronks on his 50 years in Freemasonry. They were joined by Robert Frankl APGM accompanied by a District Delegation. Ian and the lodge were delighted to hear the minutes from the evening when...

Remembrance Day 2021

Remembrance Day 2021

Rochdale District Freemasons came together today to pay their respects. We remembered our country’s gallant servicemen and women, as well as those around the world who also had made the ultimate sacrifice. At 11 am on Sunday 14 November 2021, a two-minute silence was...

East Lancs Masonic Golf Society

East Lancs Masonic Golf Society

The East Lancs Masonic Golf Society held its AGM on 15 October at Hart Common Golf Club. Steven White receives the 'Jimmy Helmsley Salver' from the Chairman as the winner of the competition on the day. Chairman Malcolm hands over to new Chairman Gerry Hodson Gerry...

East Ribble Continue Support for Teddies For Loving Care

East Ribble Continue Support for Teddies For Loving Care

East Ribble District Freemasons are proud to be able to continue their support for the Teddies For Loving Care campaign. This nationwide initiative by the Freemasons has now delivered more than 3 million teddies since 2001 to children in distress and in need of...

Keystone Lodge Bicentenary

Keystone Lodge Bicentenary

On Thursday 21st October, Keystone Lodge celebrated its 200th Anniversary and it proved to be an outstanding event The Lodge was due to celebrate its 200th year in 2020; however, the Covid 19 pandemic delayed the festivities. During this unprecedented period of...

Ashton District Lodge of Installed Masters 8341

Ashton District Lodge of Installed Masters 8341

'On Thursday 28th of October at Ashton District Lodge of Installed Masters 8341, WBro Ian Christopher Screen PProvJGW was proclaimed as the Worshipful Master of the Lodge. In turn Ian subsequently installed his officers for the remainder of the year.  The last...