Ashton & Mossley District AGM

Ashton & Mossley District AGM

The AGM of Ashton & Mossley District always takes place in the Autumn Term. (Do you notice, your DCO still thinks like a teacher even years after he stopped being one.) As you would expect, it is usually quite a staid and serious affair with all of the Area and...

Christmas Social Board

Christmas Social Board

It is traditional for most Lodges in Rochdale to invite friends and family to their Social Boards following their last meeting of the year. This is a time not only to celebrate the lead up to Christmas but is also an important opportunity to encourage prospective...

50 Years’ Service for WBro. Rodney Wild.

50 Years’ Service for WBro. Rodney Wild.

The meeting was to celebrate the 50th Anniversary for Rodney Wild who is the current Worshipful Master of Trinity Lodge No 5651 Audenshaw’s Lunchtime Lodge. He was initiated at Oldham on the 12th July 1966. He has four sons all in the Craft and they are Dean, Glyn,...

University Scheme Lodges in Romania

University Scheme Lodges in Romania

Recently three members of Old Mancunians with Mount Sinai Lodge (one of the Province’s University Scheme Lodges) visited Invictus Lodge, No. 15, in the National Lodge of Romania, on the occasion of the Installation of Brother Rezwan Iqbal who was initiated into Old...

Naphtali Lodge Visits Strarhardle Lodge

Naphtali Lodge Visits Strarhardle Lodge

On the weekend of 19th November 2016 a number of masons from East Lancs visited Strarhardle Lodge 1507 in Blairgowrie, Scotland, to witness their installation and at the same time had the pleasure of meeting the Provincial Grand Master of Perthshire East, Ronny...

Sandon House Community Centre – New Floor

Sandon House Community Centre – New Floor

Several of the users of Sandon House gather with visitors from Cromwell with Papyrean Lodge to admire the new floor. Cromwell with Papyrean Lodge 5771 recently applied to the ELMC Grant Making Committee for a grant on behalf of Sandon House Community Centre in...

Support for Molly Howarth from Rochdale Freemasons

Support for Molly Howarth from Rochdale Freemasons

Molly Howarth was revising for her GSCE’s during May 2016 when she began to feel unwell suffering from headaches, dizziness and nausea. While she was sitting her exams, her health failed to improve and her parents Richard and Jane arranged a doctor’s appointment where...

Waverley Lodge No 1322 Installation Meeting

Waverley Lodge No 1322 Installation Meeting

Waverley Lodge No 1322 is now getting quite close to celebrating its 150th Anniversary, no mean feat in today’s changing world. On Thursday 27th October in 2016 they held their Installation Meeting at Ashton Masonic Hall in the presence of WBro John Pearson, the APGM...