Rawtenstall Masons Remember

Rawtenstall Masons Remember

  WBro Barry Anderton, WBro Derek Pilling, WBro David Russell and WBro Edwin Hardman. On Sunday November 13th Freemasons from the Rawtenstall area placed a wreath on the Rawtenstall Cenotaph

Bury District Charity quiz night

Bury District Charity quiz night

Bury District Charity quiz night on Tuesday 25th October 2016 really was a good night. The quiz master for the evening was the District Charity Steward, Stephen Holland, who did a cracking job. A case of wine awaited the winning team with more wine and whiskey as...

60 Years in Freemasonry for Phillip

60 Years in Freemasonry for Phillip

Phillip Westwood celebrated 60 years in Freemasonry at Trinity Lodge 5651 at Stanley House Audenshaw overseeing the proceedings was W. Bro. Derek Nelson Thornhill along with a Provincial Delegation including APGM's John Pearson and John Farrington. Philip was...

Lodge of Friendship No.277

Lodge of Friendship No.277

The photograph shows WBro Greehalgh with members of the Lodge. Worshipful Master  - WBro David Greenhalgh PProDepGR On Wednesday 9th November, Friendship Lodge No.277 was pleased to receive WBro Peter G Hewitt, PSGD, Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the Province...

Radcliffe Remembers

Radcliffe Remembers

On Sunday November 13th the Lodge of Faith placed a wreath at Radcliffe Cenotaph, which they have done since permission was obtained in 1984 from Grand Lodge. The Radcliffe masons who attended said, "We hope the event will attract even more Bury and Radcliffe masons...

East Ribble Royal Arch 2016 Dinner

East Ribble Royal Arch 2016 Dinner

Friday evening of the 11th November saw 90 Companions and Brethren along with their partners, assemble at the Adelaide Suite at Accrington Masonic Hall for the annual Royal Arch Dinner which this year was a complete sell out, and hosted by the newly constituted Verity...

The Closure of Charity Lodge No.3342

The Closure of Charity Lodge No.3342

WBro Hewitt and WBro Bullen together with members of the Lodge. WBro Stephen J Bullen PProSGD, Worshipful Master On Tuesday 25th February, Charity Lodge No.3342 was pleased to receive WBro Peter G Hewitt, PSGD, Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the Province of...

WBro Bill Balentine’s Personal 50th

WBro Bill Balentine’s Personal 50th

The Lodge of Harmony No 298 held a 50th Personal Birthday celebration on Wednesday 2nd November for WBro William (Bill) Ballentine, PProvJGD.  The Lodge members turned out in strength for this celebration which was also well supported by the Rochdale District Officers...