Rico is a local three year old boy who has sadly been diagnosed with a form of Cerebral Palsy.  He has a condition affects his ability to walk, causing him to move with his feet and knees turned inwards and on his toes. It also affects his posture.
Rico wears special splints to straighten his feet and legs and to pull his heels down, although this only provides a slight improvement.  He is a happy child who understands he is different from his friends, but he is very determined and never gives up.
A specialist trike has been identified as a means to loosen Rico’s muscles, which will aid him to perform everyday tasks in less pain.  Unfortunately the trike is unavailable from the NHS.
Rico’s mum Jade has been working hard to raise money for a trike for Rico and East Ribble District Charity Stewards have recently made a £100 donation towards it, which he has chosen in electric blue.
Jade’s next fund raising venture will be to raise money to pay for Rico to have an operation that is currently unavailable on the NHS.

Article and images by the East Ribble District Team