Installation of WBro Paul Smillie, PProvGSwdB 3 Chalices Lodge 8249
Over Thirty-Five Brethren signed the Tylers attendance register on Monday the 21st of March 2022, to see WBro Paul Smillie, PProvGSwdB, installed into the chair of Three Chalices Lodge No. 8249.

This will be the final meeting of Three Chalices Lodge 8249 before it is to be re-named.

The Lodge business was transacted as usual in a very efficient manner with the Installation ceremony being worked by Worshipful Brother Derek Booth PProvGSwdB with the assistance of members of the Lodge and support of visiting Brethren.

The Lodge was closed in due form at 8-06 pm the Brethren retired to a very happy and enjoyable festive board.

The “Original” Three Chalices Lodge members

The newly Installed Master with the members of the Lodge

The Warrant of Three Chalices Lodge will be transferred over to Bury during the summer recess when it will be renamed as the East Lancashire Uniformed Services Lodge. The new Lodge will four times a year and will retain the number 8249.

With the exception of one member, now resident in the South of the Country, all the members of the Lodge have joined Borough and Ashlar Lodge which will strengthen that Lodge, and some members will become members of the East Lancashire Uniformed Services Lodge.

The new Worshipful Master (the first Worshipful Master of the East Lancashire Uniformed services Lodge.) WBro Paul Smillie, PProvGSwdB, with the Installing Master, WBro Derek R Booth, PProvGSwdB