Johnny’s Golden Gavel!

Welcome back to Mission Control – it’s been a while since my last update and I have been very busy cycling. Let me say a huge thank you to the 48 people / groups who have donated so far, you have raised a fantastic £1,338.80 and funded 669 miles. That’s absolutely brilliant and I cannot thank you enough.

So far, I have cycled almost 600 of those miles and will keep going as long as donations keep rolling in. Every ride (33 so far) is recorded on the My Whoosh platform and shared on both Strava and the Provincial Website so you can follow my progress at any time.

Please keep the donations coming, let’s smash the 2,026-mile target and remember every penny goes directly into our festival fund.

Here’s Something New
In addition to personal donations, I know some Lodges and Chapters want to support the fundraiser which is equally brilliant and so I have planned a way for you to do that and recognise your generosity too.

I now have “Johnny’s Golden Gavel” (It’s brass really, I couldn’t afford a gold one!!) and any Lodge or Chapter donating a minimum of £100 will be able to use the gavel in one of their meetings and will receive a certificate thanking them for their support. My own Lodge (Hope 54) have been very quick off the mark and have pledged a very generous donation and I’m looking forward to others following suit.
We still have a way to go before the target is reached but with your help and support, I know we can do it.

Donations can be made vis the following link;

or via the

Many Thanks and Kind Regards to all,