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Results for "northern area"

A very special appointment

At 5PM on Friday 8th September 2023 a very special provincial appointment was conferred. WBro Peter Stuart Clegg, a...

Summons Procedures

Lodge One copy to be sent to:Provincial Grand Secretary [this copy to be held by the Provincial Secretariat and will...

Red Rose Joint Convocation

Red Rose Joint Convocation

Red Rose Chapter held the regular October Convocation in a unique style. Firstly, the Chapter was honoured by a visit...

WBro Roy Hunter 50th Anniversary

WBro Roy Hunter 50th Anniversary

WBro Alan Kirwilliam Presents WBro Hunter with his certificate Almost 40 Brethren signed the Tylers attendance...

Officers Of The Province

Freemasonry in East Lancashire is presided over by the constitution of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE). The...