Rochdale District Freemasons (RDF) have continued their support of Springhill Hospice by providing Christmas Hampers to be delivered to Hospice At Home patients supported by the Community Services Team.

The Community Services Team provide care to patients and families in their own homes, delivering high quality palliative and end of life care services within the Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale area. With a strong focus on quality of life and promoting psychological wellbeing, Rochdale District Freemasons are proud to be able to support their work by donating 20 hampers, stocked with Christmas treats and luxury goods to those patients in need.

Sam Wells, Chief Executive of Springhill Hospice said “The hampers provided by Rochdale District Freemasons have become a highlight of Christmas for the Community Services Team. Each year, these hampers help patients and families we support enjoy the festive season in what is otherwise a very difficult time.
One patient, who is at the end of life, insisted on getting out of bed to receive the hamper and his wife cried at the kindness saying it would make their Christmas. The member of staff who delivered the hamper said it was her favourite day at work.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”

Russ Perks, part of the RDF Social Committee who fundraised for, packed and delivered the hampers to Springhill Hospice said “Hearing the heart-warming stories of the patients who will be receiving these hampers makes me incredibly proud to be a Freemason and to be able to support worthy causes like Springhill Hospice. The Social Committee hope to be able to show our appreciation to the hardworking and dedicated staff at Springhill Hospice in the near future.”

Over coffee and a mince pie, Sam explained just how hard fundraising has been during the pandemic. Springhill have been forced to temporarily close two of their charity shops and cancel all large-scale fundraising events leading to a significant shortfall in funding for the important work they do. You can support Springhill in a number of ways, from a one-off donation, joining their weekly lottery or organising a fundraising event or personal challenge. You can find out more at