50th Celebration – WBro Peter Humphreys

50th Celebration – WBro Peter Humphreys

WBro Chris Welton, WBro Peter Humphreys, Bro Gerard Long On 22nd November 2018 at Commonweal Lodge No 5332 the Brethren celebrated the 50thanniversary of the Initiation of Peter Humphreys into Freemasonry. After the opening of the Lodge and the formal business dealt...
Double 50thCelebration at Commonweal Lodge No 5332

Double 50thCelebration at Commonweal Lodge No 5332

On 27 September 2018, Commonweal Lodge No 5332 held a joint 50thCelebration for WBro Brian Ward Taylor and WBro John Harrison Bacon at Manchester Hall. The lodge, having been opened by the Worshipful Master, was interrupted by a report and having been admitted, WBro...
Commonweal Lodge 5332 Welcomes their APGM

Commonweal Lodge 5332 Welcomes their APGM

WBro Graham Jones (Acting SW), WBro Chris Welton, WBro Christopher Hartley (WM) & WBro Jeffrey Noon (JW)   Commonweal Lodge No. 5332 Welcome WBro Christopher Welton, PSGD, APGM On Thursday 23 February WBro Christopher Welton, PSGD, APGM with responsibilities...