Worshipful Master WBro Christopher Hajikakou.
25th February 2020
On the 25th February 2020 the Lodge celebrated it’s 2,500th meeting.
After the formal opening the Master welcomed Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro Peter Rhodes, PAGReg and members of the Rochdale District Team.

The secretary WBro David Wright read extracts from the Lodge Minute books of 1897 and also 1997. The Brethren were interested to hear that the lodge gavels had been presented in 1897 by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, C. R. N. Beswicke-Royds, a Past Master of the Lodge. The gavels had been made from oak taken from the remains of Pyke House, a Tudor mansion which once stood to the east of Littleborough. This would make the wood at least 500 years old. (see photograph below )

A presentation on the theme of “Benevolence” was given by WBro John Taylor, the Rochdale District Charity Steward who gave a very interesting insight into the charitable work being undertaken in Rochdale by our fraternity. He concluded by emphasising the importance of members making a regular monthly donation to the East Lancashire Masonic Charity and distributed a number of standing order forms. Five members of the lodge signed up on the night.
Author and Photos, WBro. Ken Rowlatt.