MCF Supports Emmaus Work With The Homeless

MCF Supports Emmaus Work With The Homeless

The Masonic Charity Foundation has responded to requests for grants for two Emmaus projects in East Lancashire. WBro Tony Stephenson, District Charity Steward at City Sykes, is CEO of Emmaus Bolton and successfully applied for a grant of £12,500 for a new project in...
Paul Hackers Christmas Dinner Appeal

Paul Hackers Christmas Dinner Appeal

Volunteers pack the Christmas dinners. Christmas, for the majority of people and families, is a joyous and wonderful festive period; however, it can be a very hard time for some unfortunate individuals, families and their children, due to poverty and other dire...


On Saturday 9th January 2021, ten freemasons from East Ribble District braved the cold but sunny weather to collect over 130 Christmas Trees from the Blackburn, Whalley and Clitheroe areas on behalf of East Lancashire Hospice. The Christmas Tree collection was...
Freemasons launch “Tech for Good” scheme

Freemasons launch “Tech for Good” scheme

Some of the donated devices ready for refurbishment Following the recent Urgent Appeal for Computer Equipmentfor young people who are missing out on online learning due to a lack of equipment.  Martin Ross, Rochdale District Freemasons Communications Officer, set...
OBE for Derek Calrow

OBE for Derek Calrow

An Amazing “OBE” for retired stockbroker and tireless charity funder Derek Calrow in the Queen’s New Years Honours List Derek Calrow, 79, who lives in Bromley Cross, has brought some refreshing positive news to the District of Bury. Derek has worked tirelessly...